Paper Or Plastic Playing Cards: Which One To Go For?

When it comes to a poker game, the most important paraphernalia comes in the form of the playing cards. Every gamer knows the role these cards take in the entire game. However, not all decks of cards are the same. First and foremost, they come in different materials. This is where the dilemma on whether one should go with plastic playing cards or their paper counterparts. There are different advantages and disadvantages offered by both sides of the coin at this point. It is all up to the players to determine which of the highlighted factors are going to be important for himself. To start off, paper playing cards are found by most to be cheaper than plastic playing cards. Basically, paper cards are actually made of paper and the coating to protect it. the paper itself is most of the time made up of 2 to 3 plays of card stock while the coating is generally a trade secret of the manufacturers. Each one of them has come up with their coating formula to enhance the overall quality of ...